Terra forma: manuel de cartographies potentielles

Terra Forma tells the story of exploring an unknown land: ours. Five centuries after the Renaissance travelers who left to map the terra incognito of the New World, this work proposes to rediscover differently this Earth that we think we know so well. By redefining, or rather by extending the traditional cartographic vocabulary, it offers a manifesto for the foundation of a new geographic and, in so doing, political imagination. The seven chapters of this book are points of view on reality, of possible visions of the world sketched by different prisms, like as many optical instruments: by the depths, by the movements, by the point of life, by the peripheries, through the pulse, through the hollows, through disappearances and ruins, they produce situated, embodied knowledge. Written in the mode of an exploration narrative, this work is also intended to be a drawing manual, which invites the reader to explore techniques of representation on various terrains, with the aim of gradually and collectively forming an atlas of a new genre. Experimental work with six hands, Terra Forma is the result of a collaboration between two architects whose practice is at the crossroads of questions of landscape and territorial strategy, Alexandra Arènes and Axelle Grégoire, and a science historian, Frédérique Aït- Touati